Rescue Horse Puts Weight Back On
Posted by Michael Peterson on
This is a great example of a horse putting weight back on after using GastroElm Plus. Once they start feeling better and eating normally, everything else falls into place. We received this message from Michele about two months after she started using GastroElm Plus.

This is Q. I rescued her about 8 months ago. She was 18 years old and had severe ulcers. She wouldn’t eat anything that I purchased. When I found GastroElm Plus, I started her on it morning and night. For the first 2 weeks I mixed the product with aloe juice and syringed it into her to make sure it coated her well then I started just adding the dry powder to her feedings. Within 3 days of giving this product, Q started eating all her hay and grain. As you can tell she is gaining weight great. I was skeptical when ordering it but this product is absolutely worth it’s weight in gold. I am keeping Q on it from now on. Thank you for this product!
PS. Here is Q after using GastroElm Plus.