
GastroElm Plus & Colla3 for Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis in Dogs

Posted by Michael Peterson on

This is Bailey, our 3 year old mini goldendoodle.   She has had multiple episodes of hemorrhagic gastroenteritis. Multiple vet visits with Rx's for metronidazole and sucralfate and probiotics.  It was adding Gastroelm to her usual routine that has drastically reduced her episodes. Thank you for your products. We use Gastroelm and Colla3 products for our 2 doodles and 2 cats!  Sandy Check out the GastroElm Plus / Colla3 Combo pack for extra savings!

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Insulin Resistance Symptoms in Horses

Posted by Michael Peterson on

Insulin resistance (IR) in equines, particularly in horses, is a metabolic disorder where the body's cells become less responsive to insulin, leading to impaired glucose uptake and utilization. This can result in a range of symptoms, and if left untreated, can lead to more serious conditions such as laminitis or founder. Here are some common symptoms of insulin resistance in equines: Obesity: Horses with insulin resistance may have difficulty losing weight or may gain weight easily, especially in specific areas such as the neck (cresty neck), tail head, and behind the shoulders. Regional adiposity: This refers to the abnormal distribution...

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Maintaining Gut Health & Minimizing Insulin Resistance in Horses

Posted by Michael Peterson on

To keep a horse's gut healthy and prevent insulin resistance, it's essential to provide a balanced diet and follow proper feeding practices. Here are some key points to consider: Forage: The foundation of a horse's diet should be high-quality forage, such as grass or hay. It is crucial for gut health and helps maintain stable blood sugar levels. Aim for at least 1.5-2% of the horse's body weight in forage daily. Small, frequent meals: Horses have evolved to graze continuously throughout the day. Feeding smaller meals more frequently can help maintain gut health and prevent blood sugar spikes. Use slow-feed...

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The Origins Of GastroElm Plus - Angel

Posted by Michael Peterson on

Angel Lived An Active Life For 8 1/2 Years After Her Pancreatitis Diagnosis!  Our vet at the time told us to expect her to live as little as 6 months since she had a severe chronic case..-  Angel's first round of Acute Pancreatitis (10/2007) cost us $2200 and required 2 overnight hospital stays. -  With more knowledge her second attack only cost us about $550 and required one night in the hospital. -  After switching vets we learned new techniques that brought the cost down to $55 per month.   However, creating GastroElm Plus allowed us to manage her symptoms...

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GastroElm Plus Helps Older Dogs With Gut Issues

Posted by Michael Peterson on

Lucy is my 13 year old Mini Australian Shepherd.  We started using GastroElm Plus a few years ago to help her gut recover from antibiotics.  Our nutritionist loved how helped her, and recommended she stay on it to keep her gut healthy and relieve the stress of the issues she has.  Even our vets love that she’s on it, and the techs often ask me about it. Lucy is a very active dog, and some of that fun activity can cause her gut to be upset, maybe from too many good treats? 😉  I no longer need to worry, as it’s...

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