Elena Got Her Horse Back with GastroElm Plus
Posted by Michael Peterson on
Our horse stories all start differently. However, the same for all of us, is a quest to keep our horses happy, healthy and comfortable. Cochise’ and my love story, started eight years ago when I impulse bought an eleven month old paint colt that I fell in love with at first sight. Getting him that young offered challenges and great opportunities. I got to really know him, especially since he lives at home with me. My relationship with him is most unique due to the ability to get him as a baby, assist with his gelding, train him in everything from cross ties to, hand walking down the road, bits and bridling, games, to riding in the woods, to trailering, self loading, hunter paces, dressage training, and the list goes on. He has an amazing work ethic. He WANTS to work. He WANTS the attention. He WANTS time with me. We have a connection, communication, understanding, and regard that I cherish. That said, he’s a thinker. He’s a beautiful concoction of boldness, brass, sweetness, affection, cunning, compassion, gentility, bullishness, insolence, bravery and grace, all rolled up into one amazing being.

Sigh. I had some big changes in my life over the past three years which resulted in some big changes in his: boarding for the first time; me not living WITH him; then moving to a new farm with me, and then enduring the wettest, buggiest and hottest of summers ever — in this new setting. This was a totally new area for us. I had no idea what was coming or how to prepare for it.
Last summer, his disposition suddenly and dramatically changed. It was very alarming. I was so upset for him. It was a miserable summer. It rained every week. Can we say MUD? The heat, rain, humidity and bugs were worse than anything we had ever experienced before. He was suddenly cranky with furled eyebrows, and pursed lips. He was almost mean. He started cribbing.
I deduced that he probably started developing some stress over a gradual amount of time with all of these changes and reached a threshold where something started to really bother and or hurt him. Thinking of tummy issues first, I started researching gut-related reasons for sudden temperament changes and products therefor. My friend Rita told me about GastroElm Plus. I tried it and wow was I impressed, surprised and thrilled! It was a missing piece of a puzzle. I got my horse back! I prepare it five minutes before giving it and he gobbles it up! If you board, you can make up to a week’s worth and refrigerate it to either give yourself or ask your facility to include in your horse’s meals. It’s cost effective. Cochise is comfortable and once again back to himself as only I know him to be. I strongly endorse this product and thank the wonderful folks GastroElm Plus! Cochise will never be without it!
Thank you GasroElm Plus for giving me my horse back!
Elena Matino & Cochise