GastroElm Plus Saved My Cat!
Posted by Michael Peterson on
I believe GastroElm Plus has literally saved my kitty’s life. She was lifeless at death’s door, throwing up dry heaves and wouldn’t eat.

The vet ran some labs and discovered she was in liver failure. Her liver values were at 1235. He said her values should be no higher than 150. He sent us home with a liver medicine but I don’t think he thought she would make it through the weekend. He said she would be on the liver pill for life. She had no appetite so I fed her with a syringe. I stumbled across a video of another cat owner who used GastroElm Plus on his cat who was in liver failure. I have given my kitty GastroElm Plus as directed and continued to feed her with a syringe. We got the vomiting under control and gave her the liver pill. She started to feel better.
I took her back to the vet to refill the liver med. He wanted to check her liver values. To our amazement, her liver value was 50. She was completely healed and normal and he took her off the liver med!
Amazing! I am so grateful!
Thank you!
Sylvia M.